Skagen, 16.06.2022
Saga Shipping, part of Wrist Group, is committed to minimizing the environmental impact of their operations in Skagen and have launched several initiatives to reduce fossil fuels, reduce energy, and rely on renewable energy sources.

This year, Saga Shipping has installed 182 solar panels on top of the warehouse roof. The newly installed solar panels take up 46 m2 roof space and generate a good portion of the annual electricity consumption of the warehouses, reducing CO2 emissions, energy costs, and improving profitability. On an average, the 182 roof-mounted solar panels reduce the power consumption in the warehouse buildings by 45.3% equivalent to 40,000 kilowatt hours a year. The solar panels were powered up last week.
It takes a lot of energy to operate the warehouses, but having decided to embrace solar energy, Saga Shipping saves its electricity expenses, reduces fossil energy, and sets an example in the industry of a company that is progressive and green.
Saga Shipping’s four fossil-fuel driven vehicles have also been replaced by renewable vehicles: An electric truck, an electric company car, an electric van, and a hybrid car.
These initiatives illustrate Saga’s sustainability efforts so far.
“We are determined to find new and innovative ways to ensure that our company is environmentally sound and a good corporate neighbor”, says Peter Møller, CEO in Saga Shipping.
Five key parameters are logged and monitored 24-hours a day:

Current PV power (kW)
PV energy (kWh)
CO2 avoided (kg)
PV system power (kWp)
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